Is The Mail Here Yet?

For Hack Upstate 2020 hackathon, I made a tool that emailed me when my webcam detected a Fedex or UPS truck, so I wouldn't miss package deliveries. Won 2nd place.

For my Hack Upstate 2020 submission (a 24 hour hackathon), I created a tool that emailed me when a Fedex or UPS truck was detected from my webcam. The goal was to not miss when a mail truck delivered a package. I received 2nd place.

It utilized Google's Teachable Machine to train the model and TensorFlow/OpenCV to detect the trucks.

Some challenges I ran into were:

  • CUDA version support on my OS vs TensorFlow.

  • Trying to ingest an RTMP stream via a Wyze camera resulted in random crashes from inconsistent stream. The RTMP support for Wyze was in beta at the time.

If you are interested the Github repository can be found here:

If you are interested in the DevPost link, that can be found here:


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